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Module 3 Discussion Literature Review

Module 3 Discussion Literature Review

Q After you have read the materials on Literature Reviews located in the Research Guide from the EC Library and the module readings, you will be prepared to respond to this discussion. You must use in-text citations and give full APA style references for all sources used. Fully respond to the following prompt: • “In previous courses, I have/have not written a literature review…” Share what you have learned or questions you have. Locate an informative article, video, or website besides what is offered by the EC Library and share the information you found that you think might be helpful to everyone in the class.

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I have never written a literature review in my previous courses. But I always had a question that should a literature review always start with the names of the authors of the article from where the information are taken? Learning from the already published works is a greater pleasure because there one can know that the parts of the literature review also are reviewed. Reading the old literature is good for any modern research as the researcher gets an idea so as to drop the ideas and the methods which are tested and found to become a waste of time and did not render results or significant results.